June Product Update: Stripe Integration and More
2 min read
June Product Update: Stripe Integration and More
We are glad to present you with some new features to address your needs that we released in June such as: Stripe integration and fixing all issues related to navigating, editing, and viewing different projects in different browser tabs
What does restore purchase mean?
4 min read
What does restore purchase mean?
In this article, we will explore what does restore purchase mean, how to configure it on iOS and Android, and the primary differences between them.
How Skyeng launches new apps 10x faster with Qonversion
4 min read
How Skyeng launches new apps 10x faster with Qonversion
Learn the secret of Skyeng product team how to grow apps quickly without putting a drain on engineering resources.
How to Best Promote Your App: Google App Campaigns and What They’re For
5 min read
How to Best Promote Your App: Google App Campaigns and What They’re For
Google App Campaigns are essential for promoting your apps, they are easy to set up and manage and they are able to address various needs at different stages of your product life cycle. In this article, together with Sabina Shukyurova, Analytical Lead from Google, we're trying to understand what are Google App Campaigns and what are they for
What’s new in StoreKit testing (WWDC22 updates)
13 min read
What’s new in StoreKit testing (WWDC22 updates)
In this article, we'll walk you through the updates for StoreKit testing. We will cover the StoreKit.configuration file, the advanced subscription cases, and the Sandbox updates.
WWDC22 overview: how to integrate and migrate in-app purchases to App Store Server API
12 min read
WWDC22 overview: how to integrate and migrate in-app purchases to App Store Server API
In this article, we explore the new capabilities of App Store Server API, how to integrate and migrate in-app subscriptions into API, and how to sign JSON Web Tokens and verify signed transactions.

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What’s new with in-app purchases: WWDC 2022 overview
10 min read
What’s new with in-app purchases: WWDC 2022 overview
This Tuesday, during WWDC 2022, Apple released the latest updates for in-app purchases. A lot of great updates are still coming, but today we’ll walk you through the improvements that have already been covered: enhancements to StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API.
Voluntary vs. Involuntary Churn
3 min read
Voluntary vs. Involuntary Churn
Voluntary vs. Involuntary Churn
SKErrorDomain error 0 and how to fix it
4 min read
SKErrorDomain error 0 and how to fix it
Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)" is one of the more common errors that you may struggle with while processing in-app purchases. This error can occur in both production and sandbox environments and affects the fail to success payment ratio of your app.
Le guide suprême pour tester les abonnements sur Android
14 min read
Le guide suprême pour tester les abonnements sur Android
Aujourd’hui, nous allons suivre les conseils détaillés de Google et explorer les principaux scénarios de test d’abonnement.
Der ultimative Leitfaden für Abonnementtests unter Android
11 min read
Der ultimative Leitfaden für Abonnementtests unter Android
Sie haben die Logik für die Zugriffsverwaltung Ihrer Abonnement-App bereits implementiert, jetzt ist es an der Zeit, sie zu testen. Bevor Sie Ihre App zur Überprüfung an die Google Play Console senden, stellen Sie sicher, dass sie auf Änderungen des Abonnementstatus reagiert und Nutzern Zugang zu Ihren Premium-Inhalten gewährt. Aktionen im Zusammenhang mit Ereignissen im Abonnement-Lebenszyklus sollten zu Aktualisierungen des Nutzerzugangs führen.