

The IDFA, Apple’s AT...

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT, SKAdNetwork Timer, and what you need to know about it

Michael Qonversion


Mar 23, 2021

Apple announced its’ App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework in June 2020, and the ATT is expected to be enforced by Apple within several weeks. Apple has postponed the policy’s enforcement several times already, but this time the deadline is getting very close. 

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT

Who is affected the most by the ATT in the first place?

SKAdNetwork instead of the IDFA for marketing attribution

Apple offered a solution to measure app ads. This solution does not violate user privacy and does not require the IDFA. The solution is Apple’s SKAdNetwork framework

SKAdNetwork transmits app attribution data to the advertising network on the advertising campaign level. Let’s have a look at the following simplified example:

You are running some ads for your app on Instagram. Instagram is registered with SKAdNetwork as an advertising platform. When a user clicks on the ad, Instagram sends this data to SKAdNetwork. Once a user launches the app, Apple’s SKAdNetwork registers that the user installed the app. Apple’s SKAdNetwork makes a postback to Instagram that the advertising campaign resulted in an install. There is no data on specific user shared, just the fact that a particular advertising campaign led to an install.

What are the limitations of SKAdNetwork compared to matching users based on the IDFA?

The information that is available through SKAdNetwork is minimal. And there are many limitations on how the data is reported. 

The most important limitations are: 

  • the minimum delay SKAdNetwork reports the data to ad networks is 24-48 hours

  • only one conversion value is reported

  • 100 different campaigns limit per network

SKAdNetwork Reporting time

The install is reported within 24-hours via SKAdNetwork. 

The additional conversion value besides the install itself can be reported. But setting this conversion value delays the postback of the data. 

To include the conversion value in the postback, a developer needs to trigger the updateConversionValue method. When this method is called, the additional 24-hour timer is started. The developer can reset the timer by invoking the method again and provide the new conversion value. If there is no further update, the value is reported in 24 hours. When this timer expires, SKAdNetwork randomly returns the attribution data to an ad network within the next 24-hours. So the lag between app install and the data received by an ad network can be 72 hours and more.

Possible reporting time:

Install -> Conversion value update within 24 hours -> postback at the expiration of 24 hours -> data reported to an ad network within the next 24 hours. 

In any case, the minimum delay is 24-48 hours if you update the conversion value just once. This makes it virtually impossible to adjust marketing in real-time. 

SKAdNetwork Conversion value

The conversion value has a 6-bit limitation. There are a maximum of 64 unique conversion values. And the consecutive conversion value update needs to be higher to be recorded. For example, “onboarding passed event” that reads 000001, then the user performs a “start a free trial event” with the value of 000011.

SKAdNetwork Campaigns Limit

The next important limitation is the number of campaigns per network. The current limit is 100 campaigns. Facebook allows just 9 active campaigns with 5 ad sets according to its iOS 14 guidance

What else to keep in mind when transitioning to using SKAdNetwork for marketing measurement?

It’s important to note that you can still access the IDFA if a user provides his consent within the ATT framework. So it is a good idea to provide some explanation to your users why it is beneficial to them to allow tracking. 

The information on the ATT and SKAdNetwork is being updated frequently. We may update this article as more information is available.

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT, SKAdNetwork Timer, and what you need to know about it

Michael Qonversion


Mar 23, 2021

Apple announced its’ App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework in June 2020, and the ATT is expected to be enforced by Apple within several weeks. Apple has postponed the policy’s enforcement several times already, but this time the deadline is getting very close. 

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT

Who is affected the most by the ATT in the first place?

SKAdNetwork instead of the IDFA for marketing attribution

Apple offered a solution to measure app ads. This solution does not violate user privacy and does not require the IDFA. The solution is Apple’s SKAdNetwork framework

SKAdNetwork transmits app attribution data to the advertising network on the advertising campaign level. Let’s have a look at the following simplified example:

You are running some ads for your app on Instagram. Instagram is registered with SKAdNetwork as an advertising platform. When a user clicks on the ad, Instagram sends this data to SKAdNetwork. Once a user launches the app, Apple’s SKAdNetwork registers that the user installed the app. Apple’s SKAdNetwork makes a postback to Instagram that the advertising campaign resulted in an install. There is no data on specific user shared, just the fact that a particular advertising campaign led to an install.

What are the limitations of SKAdNetwork compared to matching users based on the IDFA?

The information that is available through SKAdNetwork is minimal. And there are many limitations on how the data is reported. 

The most important limitations are: 

  • the minimum delay SKAdNetwork reports the data to ad networks is 24-48 hours

  • only one conversion value is reported

  • 100 different campaigns limit per network

SKAdNetwork Reporting time

The install is reported within 24-hours via SKAdNetwork. 

The additional conversion value besides the install itself can be reported. But setting this conversion value delays the postback of the data. 

To include the conversion value in the postback, a developer needs to trigger the updateConversionValue method. When this method is called, the additional 24-hour timer is started. The developer can reset the timer by invoking the method again and provide the new conversion value. If there is no further update, the value is reported in 24 hours. When this timer expires, SKAdNetwork randomly returns the attribution data to an ad network within the next 24-hours. So the lag between app install and the data received by an ad network can be 72 hours and more.

Possible reporting time:

Install -> Conversion value update within 24 hours -> postback at the expiration of 24 hours -> data reported to an ad network within the next 24 hours. 

In any case, the minimum delay is 24-48 hours if you update the conversion value just once. This makes it virtually impossible to adjust marketing in real-time. 

SKAdNetwork Conversion value

The conversion value has a 6-bit limitation. There are a maximum of 64 unique conversion values. And the consecutive conversion value update needs to be higher to be recorded. For example, “onboarding passed event” that reads 000001, then the user performs a “start a free trial event” with the value of 000011.

SKAdNetwork Campaigns Limit

The next important limitation is the number of campaigns per network. The current limit is 100 campaigns. Facebook allows just 9 active campaigns with 5 ad sets according to its iOS 14 guidance

What else to keep in mind when transitioning to using SKAdNetwork for marketing measurement?

It’s important to note that you can still access the IDFA if a user provides his consent within the ATT framework. So it is a good idea to provide some explanation to your users why it is beneficial to them to allow tracking. 

The information on the ATT and SKAdNetwork is being updated frequently. We may update this article as more information is available.

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT, SKAdNetwork Timer, and what you need to know about it

Michael Qonversion


Mar 23, 2021

Apple announced its’ App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework in June 2020, and the ATT is expected to be enforced by Apple within several weeks. Apple has postponed the policy’s enforcement several times already, but this time the deadline is getting very close. 

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT

Who is affected the most by the ATT in the first place?

SKAdNetwork instead of the IDFA for marketing attribution

Apple offered a solution to measure app ads. This solution does not violate user privacy and does not require the IDFA. The solution is Apple’s SKAdNetwork framework

SKAdNetwork transmits app attribution data to the advertising network on the advertising campaign level. Let’s have a look at the following simplified example:

You are running some ads for your app on Instagram. Instagram is registered with SKAdNetwork as an advertising platform. When a user clicks on the ad, Instagram sends this data to SKAdNetwork. Once a user launches the app, Apple’s SKAdNetwork registers that the user installed the app. Apple’s SKAdNetwork makes a postback to Instagram that the advertising campaign resulted in an install. There is no data on specific user shared, just the fact that a particular advertising campaign led to an install.

What are the limitations of SKAdNetwork compared to matching users based on the IDFA?

The information that is available through SKAdNetwork is minimal. And there are many limitations on how the data is reported. 

The most important limitations are: 

  • the minimum delay SKAdNetwork reports the data to ad networks is 24-48 hours

  • only one conversion value is reported

  • 100 different campaigns limit per network

SKAdNetwork Reporting time

The install is reported within 24-hours via SKAdNetwork. 

The additional conversion value besides the install itself can be reported. But setting this conversion value delays the postback of the data. 

To include the conversion value in the postback, a developer needs to trigger the updateConversionValue method. When this method is called, the additional 24-hour timer is started. The developer can reset the timer by invoking the method again and provide the new conversion value. If there is no further update, the value is reported in 24 hours. When this timer expires, SKAdNetwork randomly returns the attribution data to an ad network within the next 24-hours. So the lag between app install and the data received by an ad network can be 72 hours and more.

Possible reporting time:

Install -> Conversion value update within 24 hours -> postback at the expiration of 24 hours -> data reported to an ad network within the next 24 hours. 

In any case, the minimum delay is 24-48 hours if you update the conversion value just once. This makes it virtually impossible to adjust marketing in real-time. 

SKAdNetwork Conversion value

The conversion value has a 6-bit limitation. There are a maximum of 64 unique conversion values. And the consecutive conversion value update needs to be higher to be recorded. For example, “onboarding passed event” that reads 000001, then the user performs a “start a free trial event” with the value of 000011.

SKAdNetwork Campaigns Limit

The next important limitation is the number of campaigns per network. The current limit is 100 campaigns. Facebook allows just 9 active campaigns with 5 ad sets according to its iOS 14 guidance

What else to keep in mind when transitioning to using SKAdNetwork for marketing measurement?

It’s important to note that you can still access the IDFA if a user provides his consent within the ATT framework. So it is a good idea to provide some explanation to your users why it is beneficial to them to allow tracking. 

The information on the ATT and SKAdNetwork is being updated frequently. We may update this article as more information is available.

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT, SKAdNetwork Timer, and what you need to know about it

Michael Qonversion


Mar 23, 2021

Apple announced its’ App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework in June 2020, and the ATT is expected to be enforced by Apple within several weeks. Apple has postponed the policy’s enforcement several times already, but this time the deadline is getting very close. 

The IDFA, Apple’s ATT

Who is affected the most by the ATT in the first place?

SKAdNetwork instead of the IDFA for marketing attribution

Apple offered a solution to measure app ads. This solution does not violate user privacy and does not require the IDFA. The solution is Apple’s SKAdNetwork framework

SKAdNetwork transmits app attribution data to the advertising network on the advertising campaign level. Let’s have a look at the following simplified example:

You are running some ads for your app on Instagram. Instagram is registered with SKAdNetwork as an advertising platform. When a user clicks on the ad, Instagram sends this data to SKAdNetwork. Once a user launches the app, Apple’s SKAdNetwork registers that the user installed the app. Apple’s SKAdNetwork makes a postback to Instagram that the advertising campaign resulted in an install. There is no data on specific user shared, just the fact that a particular advertising campaign led to an install.

What are the limitations of SKAdNetwork compared to matching users based on the IDFA?

The information that is available through SKAdNetwork is minimal. And there are many limitations on how the data is reported. 

The most important limitations are: 

  • the minimum delay SKAdNetwork reports the data to ad networks is 24-48 hours

  • only one conversion value is reported

  • 100 different campaigns limit per network

SKAdNetwork Reporting time

The install is reported within 24-hours via SKAdNetwork. 

The additional conversion value besides the install itself can be reported. But setting this conversion value delays the postback of the data. 

To include the conversion value in the postback, a developer needs to trigger the updateConversionValue method. When this method is called, the additional 24-hour timer is started. The developer can reset the timer by invoking the method again and provide the new conversion value. If there is no further update, the value is reported in 24 hours. When this timer expires, SKAdNetwork randomly returns the attribution data to an ad network within the next 24-hours. So the lag between app install and the data received by an ad network can be 72 hours and more.

Possible reporting time:

Install -> Conversion value update within 24 hours -> postback at the expiration of 24 hours -> data reported to an ad network within the next 24 hours. 

In any case, the minimum delay is 24-48 hours if you update the conversion value just once. This makes it virtually impossible to adjust marketing in real-time. 

SKAdNetwork Conversion value

The conversion value has a 6-bit limitation. There are a maximum of 64 unique conversion values. And the consecutive conversion value update needs to be higher to be recorded. For example, “onboarding passed event” that reads 000001, then the user performs a “start a free trial event” with the value of 000011.

SKAdNetwork Campaigns Limit

The next important limitation is the number of campaigns per network. The current limit is 100 campaigns. Facebook allows just 9 active campaigns with 5 ad sets according to its iOS 14 guidance

What else to keep in mind when transitioning to using SKAdNetwork for marketing measurement?

It’s important to note that you can still access the IDFA if a user provides his consent within the ATT framework. So it is a good idea to provide some explanation to your users why it is beneficial to them to allow tracking. 

The information on the ATT and SKAdNetwork is being updated frequently. We may update this article as more information is available.

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