How to Utilize Subscription Model to Benefit Your Mobile Game
How to Utilize Subscription Model to Benefit Your Mobile Game


Jul 6, 2022
Jul 6, 2022
Subscriptions are gaining their popularity and recently there is a great upsurge of the new interest in this monetization method across different platforms. Mobile games are not the exception. Hybrid monetization method is attracting more and more mobile game developers because it combines all the benefits from the other monetizing methods such as in-app purchases or in-app ads with subscriptions.
In this article we will give you some advice about how to integrate subscriptions into your game, how to engage players to buy your subscriptions and also we’ll look at games that have already used this monetization method successfully.
Subscriptions are gaining their popularity and recently there is a great upsurge of the new interest in this monetization method across different platforms. Mobile games are not the exception. Hybrid monetization method is attracting more and more mobile game developers because it combines all the benefits from the other monetizing methods such as in-app purchases or in-app ads with subscriptions.
In this article we will give you some advice about how to integrate subscriptions into your game, how to engage players to buy your subscriptions and also we’ll look at games that have already used this monetization method successfully.