January Updates: GB6, API SDK Update, Improved Navigation and more

We’re excited to bring you the Qonversion updates that will make your subscription management and app growth even more convenient.

Based on your continuous feedback and requests, here’s what we’ve shipped in January.

Google Play Billing Library 6+

Great news! We’re now finally supporting GPB 6 in Qonversion. Here’s a brief rundown of this major update:


  • Added a new level of data granularity that lets you work not just with product IDs, but also with base plan and offer IDs. It’s a small change, but it can make a big difference!
  • Made Entitlements more flexible by adding the ability to connect entitlements to each purchase made for a specific product ID or for a particular pair of product ID + base plan ID.

SDK API · Products

We’ve enriched the QProductStoreDetails class with some extra monetization data.

Simply call our .offerings() or .products() methods, then navigate to the QProduct.storeDetails property to get QProductStoreDetails.

Here are our favourite new fields you can already use:

  • The subscriptionOfferDetails field now contains all the available offers for the purchase
  • By using hasTrialOffer / hasIntroOffer you can build a separate experience for those eligible for the discounted, or even free introductory subscription period
  • The basePlanSubscriptionOfferDetails field helps you to get the complete data set for your paywall
  • The last, but definitely not least, isPrepaid helps you understand whether you work with prepaid products or not

Read more 👉 here 

SDK API · Trial and Intro eligibility

We’re supporting one of the most exciting updates from Google: the ability to attach both introductory and win-back offers to the same base plan.

This allows you to serve new and reactivating users with the same product and basePlan IDs, eliminating the need for additional coding on your part.

SDK API · Purchase API

Now you can manage the offer you’re selling to your users in a more

flexible way. Here’re some details:

Before: You’re passing the product entity that may or may not include introductory offers. The final conditions presented to the end user depend on their eligibility criteria

Now: You can still pass a simple product entity to our SDK. We’ll automatically present to the end-user the most profitable (in other words, cheapest) offer. Or, you can manage that process on your side using the following options:


These changes are available for following SDKs:

✅ Android 7.0.0+

✅ React Native 7.0.0+

✅ Flutter 8.0.0+

✅ Unity 7.0.0+

✅ Cordova 5.0.0+

Navigation Update For an Improved Experience 🪄

We’ve redesigned the navigation sidebar to simplify your Qonversion experience.

Here are the highlights:

  • The redesigned sidebar now allows for easy navigation through sections with a side-peek view
  • Most Analytics reports, which were previously accessible from the start and occupied a large portion of your screen, are now conveniently located in the Analytics section
  • We’ve added a submenu for better navigation, focusing on the most important metrics
  • Sandbox mode can now be found in the top right corner
  • Screens (or Paywalls) are now located in the Remote Config section

API SDK Entitlements Update

Back in our December update, we introduced changes to the Entitlements API SDK for native SDKs with expanded the data set for the Entitlements object.

Now these changes are also available for our cross-platform SDKs:

✅ React Native 6.3.0+

✅ Flutter 7.3.0+

✅ Unity 6.3.0+

✅ Cordova 4.3.0+

Keep the feedback coming, and we’ll keep making Qonversion better for you!