

A/B Experiments with...

A/B Experiments with Paywalls: Examples for Meditation and Health Apps

Kate Qonversion Author


Mar 16, 2023

In this article, we explore the best practices for creating paywalls for meditation, sleep, and mindfulness apps. We also give you some benchmarks and discover some ideas on how you can improve your paywall to make it even more profitable.

A/B Experiments with Paywalls

Paywall A/B Experiments for Meditation and Sleep Apps

Better Sleep Paywall A/B Experiments

Over the past year, Better Sleep app made significant improvements to its paywall. These improvements have resulted in changes to the design, pricing strategy, and value proposition offered to users. However, one aspect that has remained consistent: is the availability of an annual subscription with a 7-day free trial. Worth mention, that the annual subscription – is the only option.

ShutEye Paywall A/B Experiments

The ShutEye app has made notable improvements to its paywall, introducing an additional subscription option, specifically an annual plan. This adjustment aligns with the app’s purpose of being a day-to-day companion for its users. By offering an annual subscription, the app aims to foster long-term engagement and commitment from its user base. 

Moreover, the pricing strategy has been carefully adjusted. 

The app has also implemented a “no payment now” label, which likely serves to alleviate any initial financial concerns that users may have. 

Breeze App Paywall A/B Experiments

Another paywall that is inspired by Blinkist. However, it is important to note that merely copying their paywall design is not enough. There is ample room for experimentation and customization within your own paywall strategy. For example, Breeze app experimenting with different pricing strategies, color schemes, text variations, trial options, call-to-action prompts, button designs, and more. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and find what resonates best with your target audience. By leveraging these opportunities for A/B experimentation, you can create a unique and compelling paywall that drives conversions and maximizes revenue for your app.

Calm Paywall A/B Experiments

Calm has demonstrated a continuous experimentation with their paywall over the past year. They have made notable improvements to their subscription plans and pricing strategy. One interesting change is the removal of the trial option within the app, making it exclusively available for web registrations.

In addition, Calm has introduced a browser-ordered plan that costs 10 euros less compared to the in-app subscription. This pricing discrepancy is likely due to the commissions charged by the App Store. As a prominent app, Calm is subject to a 30% revenue share with the App Store.

Feelsy Paywall A/B Experiments

Feelsy app stands out as a great example of implementing granular changes within the app. They made minor but important updates to the design, value proposition, and pricing structure.

Finch Paywall A/B Experiments

Similarly to Breeze, the Finch app has also adopted the psychological approach employed by Blinkist when designing their paywalls. They aim to provide users with clear expectations about what will occur after the trial period ends. Notably, Finch app effectively showcases the pricing by emphasizing that 39.99 euros is a limited-time, one-time offer. This strategic presentation aims to create a sense of urgency and value, encouraging users to take advantage of the special pricing.


Throughout this article, we have delved into the paywalls of the most popular meditation and sleep apps available on the App Store. These apps sre experimenting with various aspects of their paywalls, including pricing strategies, trial options, call-to-action prompts, and subscription offerings. It is important to recognize that paywall experimentation holds the potential to not only drive revenue but also enhance the overall user experience. By continuously refining your paywall strategy and drawing inspiration from the showcased examples, you can optimize monetization and user engagement within your own mental health app.

When it comes to running effective A/B testing experiments for subscription apps, having the right tools is crucial. The subscription monetization model adds complexity to the testing process, requiring accurate analytics and precise tracking of trial conversions and subscription renewals to draw meaningful conclusions. This is where Qonversion comes in. Our A/B experiments tool is specifically designed for mobile apps that monetize through subscriptions. Conducting A/B experiments with Qonversion is straightforward and simple to set up. With flexible targeting and segmentation options, as well as a comprehensive set of metrics to track, you can easily understand the results of your A/B tests. Our analytics are specifically tailored for the subscription model, ensuring reliable insights.

If you have any questions or need guidance on launching A/B experiments for your subscription app, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you every step of the way and help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your paywall strategy and drive success for your mental health app.

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A/B Experiments with Paywalls: Examples for Meditation and Health Apps

Kate Qonversion Author


Mar 16, 2023

In this article, we explore the best practices for creating paywalls for meditation, sleep, and mindfulness apps. We also give you some benchmarks and discover some ideas on how you can improve your paywall to make it even more profitable.

A/B Experiments with Paywalls

Paywall A/B Experiments for Meditation and Sleep Apps

Better Sleep Paywall A/B Experiments

Over the past year, Better Sleep app made significant improvements to its paywall. These improvements have resulted in changes to the design, pricing strategy, and value proposition offered to users. However, one aspect that has remained consistent: is the availability of an annual subscription with a 7-day free trial. Worth mention, that the annual subscription – is the only option.

ShutEye Paywall A/B Experiments

The ShutEye app has made notable improvements to its paywall, introducing an additional subscription option, specifically an annual plan. This adjustment aligns with the app’s purpose of being a day-to-day companion for its users. By offering an annual subscription, the app aims to foster long-term engagement and commitment from its user base. 

Moreover, the pricing strategy has been carefully adjusted. 

The app has also implemented a “no payment now” label, which likely serves to alleviate any initial financial concerns that users may have. 

Breeze App Paywall A/B Experiments

Another paywall that is inspired by Blinkist. However, it is important to note that merely copying their paywall design is not enough. There is ample room for experimentation and customization within your own paywall strategy. For example, Breeze app experimenting with different pricing strategies, color schemes, text variations, trial options, call-to-action prompts, button designs, and more. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and find what resonates best with your target audience. By leveraging these opportunities for A/B experimentation, you can create a unique and compelling paywall that drives conversions and maximizes revenue for your app.

Calm Paywall A/B Experiments

Calm has demonstrated a continuous experimentation with their paywall over the past year. They have made notable improvements to their subscription plans and pricing strategy. One interesting change is the removal of the trial option within the app, making it exclusively available for web registrations.

In addition, Calm has introduced a browser-ordered plan that costs 10 euros less compared to the in-app subscription. This pricing discrepancy is likely due to the commissions charged by the App Store. As a prominent app, Calm is subject to a 30% revenue share with the App Store.

Feelsy Paywall A/B Experiments

Feelsy app stands out as a great example of implementing granular changes within the app. They made minor but important updates to the design, value proposition, and pricing structure.

Finch Paywall A/B Experiments

Similarly to Breeze, the Finch app has also adopted the psychological approach employed by Blinkist when designing their paywalls. They aim to provide users with clear expectations about what will occur after the trial period ends. Notably, Finch app effectively showcases the pricing by emphasizing that 39.99 euros is a limited-time, one-time offer. This strategic presentation aims to create a sense of urgency and value, encouraging users to take advantage of the special pricing.


Throughout this article, we have delved into the paywalls of the most popular meditation and sleep apps available on the App Store. These apps sre experimenting with various aspects of their paywalls, including pricing strategies, trial options, call-to-action prompts, and subscription offerings. It is important to recognize that paywall experimentation holds the potential to not only drive revenue but also enhance the overall user experience. By continuously refining your paywall strategy and drawing inspiration from the showcased examples, you can optimize monetization and user engagement within your own mental health app.

When it comes to running effective A/B testing experiments for subscription apps, having the right tools is crucial. The subscription monetization model adds complexity to the testing process, requiring accurate analytics and precise tracking of trial conversions and subscription renewals to draw meaningful conclusions. This is where Qonversion comes in. Our A/B experiments tool is specifically designed for mobile apps that monetize through subscriptions. Conducting A/B experiments with Qonversion is straightforward and simple to set up. With flexible targeting and segmentation options, as well as a comprehensive set of metrics to track, you can easily understand the results of your A/B tests. Our analytics are specifically tailored for the subscription model, ensuring reliable insights.

If you have any questions or need guidance on launching A/B experiments for your subscription app, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you every step of the way and help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your paywall strategy and drive success for your mental health app.

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A/B Experiments with Paywalls: Examples for Meditation and Health Apps

Kate Qonversion Author


Mar 16, 2023

In this article, we explore the best practices for creating paywalls for meditation, sleep, and mindfulness apps. We also give you some benchmarks and discover some ideas on how you can improve your paywall to make it even more profitable.

A/B Experiments with Paywalls

Paywall A/B Experiments for Meditation and Sleep Apps

Better Sleep Paywall A/B Experiments

Over the past year, Better Sleep app made significant improvements to its paywall. These improvements have resulted in changes to the design, pricing strategy, and value proposition offered to users. However, one aspect that has remained consistent: is the availability of an annual subscription with a 7-day free trial. Worth mention, that the annual subscription – is the only option.

ShutEye Paywall A/B Experiments

The ShutEye app has made notable improvements to its paywall, introducing an additional subscription option, specifically an annual plan. This adjustment aligns with the app’s purpose of being a day-to-day companion for its users. By offering an annual subscription, the app aims to foster long-term engagement and commitment from its user base. 

Moreover, the pricing strategy has been carefully adjusted. 

The app has also implemented a “no payment now” label, which likely serves to alleviate any initial financial concerns that users may have. 

Breeze App Paywall A/B Experiments

Another paywall that is inspired by Blinkist. However, it is important to note that merely copying their paywall design is not enough. There is ample room for experimentation and customization within your own paywall strategy. For example, Breeze app experimenting with different pricing strategies, color schemes, text variations, trial options, call-to-action prompts, button designs, and more. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and find what resonates best with your target audience. By leveraging these opportunities for A/B experimentation, you can create a unique and compelling paywall that drives conversions and maximizes revenue for your app.

Calm Paywall A/B Experiments

Calm has demonstrated a continuous experimentation with their paywall over the past year. They have made notable improvements to their subscription plans and pricing strategy. One interesting change is the removal of the trial option within the app, making it exclusively available for web registrations.

In addition, Calm has introduced a browser-ordered plan that costs 10 euros less compared to the in-app subscription. This pricing discrepancy is likely due to the commissions charged by the App Store. As a prominent app, Calm is subject to a 30% revenue share with the App Store.

Feelsy Paywall A/B Experiments

Feelsy app stands out as a great example of implementing granular changes within the app. They made minor but important updates to the design, value proposition, and pricing structure.

Finch Paywall A/B Experiments

Similarly to Breeze, the Finch app has also adopted the psychological approach employed by Blinkist when designing their paywalls. They aim to provide users with clear expectations about what will occur after the trial period ends. Notably, Finch app effectively showcases the pricing by emphasizing that 39.99 euros is a limited-time, one-time offer. This strategic presentation aims to create a sense of urgency and value, encouraging users to take advantage of the special pricing.


Throughout this article, we have delved into the paywalls of the most popular meditation and sleep apps available on the App Store. These apps sre experimenting with various aspects of their paywalls, including pricing strategies, trial options, call-to-action prompts, and subscription offerings. It is important to recognize that paywall experimentation holds the potential to not only drive revenue but also enhance the overall user experience. By continuously refining your paywall strategy and drawing inspiration from the showcased examples, you can optimize monetization and user engagement within your own mental health app.

When it comes to running effective A/B testing experiments for subscription apps, having the right tools is crucial. The subscription monetization model adds complexity to the testing process, requiring accurate analytics and precise tracking of trial conversions and subscription renewals to draw meaningful conclusions. This is where Qonversion comes in. Our A/B experiments tool is specifically designed for mobile apps that monetize through subscriptions. Conducting A/B experiments with Qonversion is straightforward and simple to set up. With flexible targeting and segmentation options, as well as a comprehensive set of metrics to track, you can easily understand the results of your A/B tests. Our analytics are specifically tailored for the subscription model, ensuring reliable insights.

If you have any questions or need guidance on launching A/B experiments for your subscription app, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you every step of the way and help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your paywall strategy and drive success for your mental health app.

You also might be interested in:

A/B Experiments with Paywalls: Examples for Meditation and Health Apps

Kate Qonversion Author


Mar 16, 2023

In this article, we explore the best practices for creating paywalls for meditation, sleep, and mindfulness apps. We also give you some benchmarks and discover some ideas on how you can improve your paywall to make it even more profitable.

A/B Experiments with Paywalls

Paywall A/B Experiments for Meditation and Sleep Apps

Better Sleep Paywall A/B Experiments

Over the past year, Better Sleep app made significant improvements to its paywall. These improvements have resulted in changes to the design, pricing strategy, and value proposition offered to users. However, one aspect that has remained consistent: is the availability of an annual subscription with a 7-day free trial. Worth mention, that the annual subscription – is the only option.

ShutEye Paywall A/B Experiments

The ShutEye app has made notable improvements to its paywall, introducing an additional subscription option, specifically an annual plan. This adjustment aligns with the app’s purpose of being a day-to-day companion for its users. By offering an annual subscription, the app aims to foster long-term engagement and commitment from its user base. 

Moreover, the pricing strategy has been carefully adjusted. 

The app has also implemented a “no payment now” label, which likely serves to alleviate any initial financial concerns that users may have. 

Breeze App Paywall A/B Experiments

Another paywall that is inspired by Blinkist. However, it is important to note that merely copying their paywall design is not enough. There is ample room for experimentation and customization within your own paywall strategy. For example, Breeze app experimenting with different pricing strategies, color schemes, text variations, trial options, call-to-action prompts, button designs, and more. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and find what resonates best with your target audience. By leveraging these opportunities for A/B experimentation, you can create a unique and compelling paywall that drives conversions and maximizes revenue for your app.

Calm Paywall A/B Experiments

Calm has demonstrated a continuous experimentation with their paywall over the past year. They have made notable improvements to their subscription plans and pricing strategy. One interesting change is the removal of the trial option within the app, making it exclusively available for web registrations.

In addition, Calm has introduced a browser-ordered plan that costs 10 euros less compared to the in-app subscription. This pricing discrepancy is likely due to the commissions charged by the App Store. As a prominent app, Calm is subject to a 30% revenue share with the App Store.

Feelsy Paywall A/B Experiments

Feelsy app stands out as a great example of implementing granular changes within the app. They made minor but important updates to the design, value proposition, and pricing structure.

Finch Paywall A/B Experiments

Similarly to Breeze, the Finch app has also adopted the psychological approach employed by Blinkist when designing their paywalls. They aim to provide users with clear expectations about what will occur after the trial period ends. Notably, Finch app effectively showcases the pricing by emphasizing that 39.99 euros is a limited-time, one-time offer. This strategic presentation aims to create a sense of urgency and value, encouraging users to take advantage of the special pricing.


Throughout this article, we have delved into the paywalls of the most popular meditation and sleep apps available on the App Store. These apps sre experimenting with various aspects of their paywalls, including pricing strategies, trial options, call-to-action prompts, and subscription offerings. It is important to recognize that paywall experimentation holds the potential to not only drive revenue but also enhance the overall user experience. By continuously refining your paywall strategy and drawing inspiration from the showcased examples, you can optimize monetization and user engagement within your own mental health app.

When it comes to running effective A/B testing experiments for subscription apps, having the right tools is crucial. The subscription monetization model adds complexity to the testing process, requiring accurate analytics and precise tracking of trial conversions and subscription renewals to draw meaningful conclusions. This is where Qonversion comes in. Our A/B experiments tool is specifically designed for mobile apps that monetize through subscriptions. Conducting A/B experiments with Qonversion is straightforward and simple to set up. With flexible targeting and segmentation options, as well as a comprehensive set of metrics to track, you can easily understand the results of your A/B tests. Our analytics are specifically tailored for the subscription model, ensuring reliable insights.

If you have any questions or need guidance on launching A/B experiments for your subscription app, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support you every step of the way and help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your paywall strategy and drive success for your mental health app.

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