Paywall A/B Test Examples for Fitness Apps
Paywall A/B Test Examples for Fitness Apps


Jun 16, 2023
Jun 16, 2023
Improving paywalls can quickly boost the revenue of subscription apps. But how can you create a mobile paywall that convinces people to subscribe? How to choose the right price for subscriptions? What subscription duration should you offer? How to test different paywall design elements, explain the value of the features, and choose trial options?
In this article, we explore the best practices for creating paywalls for fitness apps. We also give you some benchmarks and examples to help you optimize your subscription strategy.
Improving paywalls can quickly boost the revenue of subscription apps. But how can you create a mobile paywall that convinces people to subscribe? How to choose the right price for subscriptions? What subscription duration should you offer? How to test different paywall design elements, explain the value of the features, and choose trial options?
In this article, we explore the best practices for creating paywalls for fitness apps. We also give you some benchmarks and examples to help you optimize your subscription strategy.