How StyleDNA Saved 20% Development Time and Unlocked New Features

Customer Stories

Jun 19, 2024


How StyleDNA Saved 20% Development Time and Unlocked New Features

Customer Stories

Jun 19, 2024


How StyleDNA Saved 20% Development Time and Unlocked New Features

Customer Stories

Jun 19, 2024


How StyleDNA Saved 20% Development Time and Unlocked New Features

Customer Stories

Jun 19, 2024


StyleDNA with Qonversion
StyleDNA with Qonversion
StyleDNA with Qonversion
StyleDNA with Qonversion

We spoke to Alexander Ignatov, the Co-Founder and CTO of StyleDNA, about the challenges of app monetization and their journey migrating to Qonversion. He shared valuable insights on growing an international company, scaling effectively, and focusing on growth while delegating routine infrastructure tasks. Read on to learn more about the strategies that helped StyleDNA take over the international app market.

We spoke to Alexander Ignatov, the Co-Founder and CTO of StyleDNA, about the challenges of app monetization and their journey migrating to Qonversion. He shared valuable insights on growing an international company, scaling effectively, and focusing on growth while delegating routine infrastructure tasks. Read on to learn more about the strategies that helped StyleDNA take over the international app market.

We spoke to Alexander Ignatov, the Co-Founder and CTO of StyleDNA, about the challenges of app monetization and their journey migrating to Qonversion. He shared valuable insights on growing an international company, scaling effectively, and focusing on growth while delegating routine infrastructure tasks. Read on to learn more about the strategies that helped StyleDNA take over the international app market.

We spoke to Alexander Ignatov, the Co-Founder and CTO of StyleDNA, about the challenges of app monetization and their journey migrating to Qonversion. He shared valuable insights on growing an international company, scaling effectively, and focusing on growth while delegating routine infrastructure tasks. Read on to learn more about the strategies that helped StyleDNA take over the international app market.

Company Overview

Company Overview

StyleDNA is revolutionizing how people approach fashion and personal style through its innovative mobile application. With over 500K downloads on Google Play and more than 4K reviews on the App Store, the app is a personal styling assistant, offering color palette identification, outfit suggestions, and clothing style recommendations. A subscription service that unlocks premium features beyond the paywall is central to their product infrastructure. Users can choose from monthly, tri-monthly, and annual subscriptions and one-time purchases like a Body Type Guide, Color Palette Guide, and more.

StyleDNA Qonversion

The Challenge

Before teaming up with Qonversion, StyleDNA struggled with managing cross-platform subscription access and payment processing. A major issue was access on mobile after a web purchase, and of course, a multiple paywall system only added a headache. Their in-house solution required constant backend support to manage subscription status changes and handle payments from Apple, Google, and Stripe. This setup was time-consuming and pulled away development resources from improving the core product.

Discovering Qonversion

"We quickly realized our existing system wasn’t sustainable or scalable, so we started looking for a comprehensive solution for subscription management. To grow our app, we needed to offload the tedious tasks of access management and paywall building to a specialized platform that could handle our complex subscription scheme. After researching, we chose Qonversion for their professionalism and responsiveness. A bonus was gaining many features we would probably never build ourselves, all at a very attractive price.”

Migrating to Qonversion

Migrating to Qonversion

The migration to Qonversion was well-planned and executed: StyleDNA designed intermediate versions of the app to verify subscription status simultaneously through their backend and Qonversion using an OR condition. Only after that did they determine access and launch paywalls.

This phased approach ensured that the switch to Qonversion and the new paywall was seamless and issue-free.

"Partnering with Qonversion for our migration was a seamless experience, thanks to their clear guidance and prompt support. The team was incredibly responsive and precise, sitting with us to share internal data and pinpoint issues as they arose. Their diligent approach and expertise made the entire migration a success.”

Results and Benefits

Results and Benefits

The benefits were immediate and impactful. After the migration, StyleDNA saw a significant reduction in its development workload. With Qonversion handling access management and analytics, the development team could reallocate up to 20% of their time to new features and improvements. This freed them from routine maintenance and enhanced overall stability and performance. The intuitive admin panel and robust back-end capabilities have empowered their marketing and front-end teams to independently launch new features without backend intervention. Isn’t that just every developer’s dream?

How StyleDNA Currently Uses Qonversion

How StyleDNA Currently Uses Qonversion

Qonversion’s advanced features, like in-depth analytics and experimental capabilities, were tools StyleDNA would not have time and resources to develop in-house. These features now provide a clearer understanding of user behavior and allow continuous improvement.

StyleDNA also took advantage of Qonversion's ability to support multiple paywalls, providing greater flexibility in structuring their subscription offerings and remote configs.

Style DNA Paywall

StyleDNA’s partnership with Qonversion exemplifies how choosing the right tools can dramatically improve operational efficiency and focus. By trusting their subscription management infrastructure to Qonversion, StyleDNA has saved time and resources and positioned itself for continued innovation and success. The decision to collaborate with Qonversion was, as they said, wise, leading to a robust, stable, and scalable solution for their subscription services. If you're ready to scale your app and start growing your revenue consistently, give us a call, let's see how we can help.