How A/B Testing with Qonversion Helped Iben Sandahl’s Parenting App Double Their Sales

Customer Stories

Jun 13, 2024


How A/B Testing with Qonversion Helped Iben Sandahl’s Parenting App Double Their Sales

Customer Stories

Jun 13, 2024


How A/B Testing with Qonversion Helped Iben Sandahl’s Parenting App Double Their Sales

Customer Stories

Jun 13, 2024


How A/B Testing with Qonversion Helped Iben Sandahl’s Parenting App Double Their Sales

Customer Stories

Jun 13, 2024


Parenting by Iben Sandahl uses Qonversion
Parenting by Iben Sandahl uses Qonversion
Parenting by Iben Sandahl uses Qonversion
Parenting by Iben Sandahl uses Qonversion

We spoke to the team behind Parenting by Iben Sandahl, an innovative app designed to provide tools and guidance for raising happy, confident kids the Danish way. The team shared their experiences of migration to Qonversion and the successful implementation of Qonversion features, particularly A/B Testing. Learn what helped them enhance their app's performance and double their conversion rate.

We spoke to the team behind Parenting by Iben Sandahl, an innovative app designed to provide tools and guidance for raising happy, confident kids the Danish way. The team shared their experiences of migration to Qonversion and the successful implementation of Qonversion features, particularly A/B Testing. Learn what helped them enhance their app's performance and double their conversion rate.

We spoke to the team behind Parenting by Iben Sandahl, an innovative app designed to provide tools and guidance for raising happy, confident kids the Danish way. The team shared their experiences of migration to Qonversion and the successful implementation of Qonversion features, particularly A/B Testing. Learn what helped them enhance their app's performance and double their conversion rate.

We spoke to the team behind Parenting by Iben Sandahl, an innovative app designed to provide tools and guidance for raising happy, confident kids the Danish way. The team shared their experiences of migration to Qonversion and the successful implementation of Qonversion features, particularly A/B Testing. Learn what helped them enhance their app's performance and double their conversion rate.

Company Overview

Company Overview

Parenting by Iben Sandahl is dedicated to helping parents raise well-adjusted children through the principles of Danish parenting.Through the app, users can join Iben Sandahl and a supportive community of parents to access podcasts, live sessions, and expert advice rooted in Iben's 10 parenting principles. The app offers subscription services that unlock premium features, providing a comprehensive resource for stress-free parenting.

Parenting by Iben Sandahl with Qonversion

The Challenge

Their existing system was expensive and offered little, so they looked for an alternative subscription management solution. Before teaming up with Qonversion, the team formulated three must-have features they were looking for in the new, more reliable purchase management system:

  1. Cost-effective rates

  2. Robust features for A/B testing

  3. User-friendly analytics dashboard

Discovering Qonversion

Discovering Qonversion

"We discovered Qonversion after extensive research, and its reputation for providing comprehensive solutions for in-app purchases and subscription management caught our attention."

Several factors influenced their decision to choose Qonversion and migrate from their previous solution. The attractive pricing structure was a major factor because no one likes to overpay, right? The team realized they would get a reliable subscription management infrastructure, advanced A/B testing features and an intuitive analytics dashboard for less money – it was clear that migrating to Qonversion was the right choice. 

Experiments: Implementing In-App A/B Testing

Experiments: Implementing In-App A/B Testing

Implementing Qonversion's features, especially A/B testing, was a breeze. The Parenting App is now running A/B tests on different elements like price points, text content, and visuals and the detailed analytics guides their decisions once the experiments are done. Luckily, they didn't face any major issues during the setup: 

“Qonversion's user-friendly interface and helpful documentation ensured a seamless transition for our team.”



"Since utilizing Qonversion's tools, we've witnessed remarkable improvements in both installation and conversion rates. The way we present our offers, especially in textual content, has had a substantial impact on user engagement and conversion. We can confidently state that our conversion rate has doubled since integrating Qonversion into our workflow."

paywall a/b test

For Parenting by Iben Sandahl, A/B testing proved invaluable for testing paywall offers. The team experimented with different text copies on the paywall and discovered that even minor tweaks radically increased their conversion rate. This highlights how small details, often overlooked, can make a big impact on your revenue.

Parenting by Iben Sandahl has seen impressive improvements and they continue to refine their strategies and optimize app’s performance with Qonversion. As they’ve said, the platform has exceeded their expectations in terms of functionality and reliability, and they plan to expand their use of Qonversion and explore its new features.